sylvia damaris business coach & branding Photographer

Ready to change your life?

I help product- and service-based small businesses gain CLARITY. Together, we'll build your biz with authentic branding, data-driven marketing strategies, and unwavering client loyalty.

creatives & Wedding pros

The heart-centered business coach for

Ready to elevate your online game with a touch of digital magic? Well, hold onto your hats because this checklist is the massive step to ranking #1 on Google!

The Ultimate Blog Post SEO Checklist

Free guide

Running a business is hard. If you're feeling a little lost or burned out, you've come to the right place! I'm here to provide CLARITY on where your efforts will have the biggest impact. No more doing everything and crossing your fingers - it's time to beat the burnout and bring in dream-worthy customers and clients.

You get by with a little help from your friends...

Hey friend!

And not just another old guy yelling at you through your phone screen while being totally out of touch with small business realities. I'm a neurodivergent work-from-home mom of two toddlers... who don't nap. Trust me, friend, I get the struggle. And I can help.

I'm a business coach, branding photographer, scuba diver, nerd, momma, and enneagram 4

hey friend!

Beth C.

Sylvia's expertise and guidance were invaluable, bringing clarity to my business strategy and boosting my confidence. Sylvia's approach was not just about ticking off business to-dos; it was a genuine partnership that focused on my growth and success.

We developed a comprehensive business strategy with short- and long-term goals and refined marketing strategies to boost visibility.

Bethany C.

Sylvia had lots of suggestions I hadn't thought of, provided a helpful and detail-oriented second set of eyes on my writing/website structure, and helped me move a lot of things forward. Our time together was efficient, productive, encouraging, and educational.

It was a fun and painless process.

Beth C.

Sylvia's friendly and approachable demeanor made the collaboration enjoyable, creating an environment where I felt comfortable asking questions and seeking advice. I appreciate her commitment to my business's success.

I can confidently say that working with Sylvia has been
an important part of the future success of my business.

Bethany C.

I also got my launch done efficiently and well, a big goal for the year. I'm feeling very confident and now just need to be patient and keep up the visibility and client recruitment work.

I've received tons of compliments on my website.

Ready to elevate your online game with a touch of digital magic? Well, hold onto your hats because this checklist is the massive step to ranking #1 on Google!

The Ultimate Blog Post SEO Checklist

Free guide