Podcast Episodes


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Date: September 4, 2024Podcast Title: The Sylvia VandeSlunt PodcastEpisode 09: How to Level Up Your Consultations & Discovery Call Script Episode 09 Description: How to Run a Discovery Call In this episode of The Sylvia VandeSlunt Podcast, Sylvia dives into a personal sales experience that went terribly wrong. After reaching out to a local organization […]

The Sylvia VandeSlunt Podcast || Episode 09 || How to Level Up Your Consultations & Discovery Calls

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The Sylvia VandeSlunt Podcast || Episode 08 || 9 Things I’d Tell My Sister If She Was Starting a Business

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Date: August 21, 2024Podcast Title: The Sylvia VandeSlunt PodcastEpisode 07: How to Protect Client Files: Why Do SD Cards Get Corrupted & How to Stop It Episode 07 Description: Why Do SD Cards Get Corrupted In this episode of The Sylvia VandeSlunt Podcast, Sylvia dives into a topic that is crucial yet often overlooked by […]

The Sylvia VandeSlunt Podcast || Episode 07 || How to Protect Client Files || Why Do SD Cards Get Corrupted & How to Stop It

Date: August 14, 2024Podcast Title: The Sylvia VandeSlunt PodcastEpisode 06: How to Grow a Business from Ground Zero with Kelly Northlee Episode 06 Description: How to Grow a Business from Ground Zero In this episode, we dive into the inspiring journey of Kelly Northlee, a real estate broker, marketing agency CEO, and host of the […]

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The Sylvia VandeSlunt Podcast || Episode 06 || How to Grow a Business from Ground Zero with Kelly Northlee

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Date: August 7, 2024Podcast Title: The Sylvia VandeSlunt PodcastEpisode 05: What Should I Put on My “About Me” Page? (it’s not that you like coffee) Episode 05 Description Did you know that the about page is the SECOND MOST-VISITED PAGE AFTER THE HOME PAGE on most websites? Why? Why are people so eager to learn […]

The Sylvia VandeSlunt Podcast || Episode 05 || What Should I Put on My About Me Page? (it’s not that you like coffee)

What is success in business? How do you define success? Defining success for yourself can be tricky, and that’s what we’re exploring in this conversation. Amanda Steinhauer is the owner, lead photographer, and creative director of Amanda Steinhauer Photography. She has been serving soul-filled, madly-in-love romantics with instantly nostalgic images for over 10 years. We […]

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The Sylvia VandeSlunt Podcast || Episode 04 || Defining Your Own Success in Business

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It can seem impossible to come up with social media post ideas that aren’t going to fall flat. We all know the feeling… staring at the blinking cursor with absolutely nothing in your mind. Putting content out on social media can feel really hard, which is why so few people are consistent with it. All […]

The Sylvia VandeSlunt Podcast || Episode 03 || 9 Reasons Why You Don’t Have Any Social Media Post Ideas

Meredith Mutza is a Wisconsin-based wedding, family, senior photographer, and recent graduate of transitioning to motherhood as a business owner. After her work as a Speech-Language Pathologist left her feeling burned out in the midst of the COVID pandemic, Meredith launched full time into photography.  Together with her husband, Mark, they are no stranger to […]

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The Sylvia VandeSlunt Podcast || Episode 02 || Transitioning to Motherhood As a Business Owner with Meredith Mutza

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With the official launch of The Sylvia VandeSlunt Podcast, I wanted to share a little bit more about what to expect from this podcast, why I created it, and give you my definition for authenticity. My goal for you in this episode is for you to have a few journal prompts to get you started […]

The Sylvia VandeSlunt Podcast || Episode 01 || Our Mission & Definition for Authenticity

Hey friend – and welcome to The Sylvia VandeSlunt Podcast! The Sylvia VandeSlunt Podcast Trailer Transcript Hey friend – and welcome! In a world full of people on the internet calling for “authenticity,” there’s precious little direction on what that means. In a world that tells you to build your dream life, but then shows […]

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The Sylvia VandeSlunt Podcast || Episode 0 || Trailer

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If you've found the Han to your Leia, the chips to your guac, the princess to your toad, you need a photographer who will feel like a natural part of your wedding day but know when to hang back and let you have your moment. If you're loving what you see on this page, let's get you scheduled for your free consultation to find out if we're as great of a fit as I think we might be!

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